I shall review most books I read.
25 Mar 2018I don't believe in documenting my code. It's just waste of time. I can write more code instead
. It
does not take a genius to call this bull shit. In the context of reading books, this is not much
different from saying I don't have the time to review the books I read. I can read more books
instead and finish up my xx books per year goal
How will reviews help?
- I’ve learnt something interesting from almost all the books I read. I would be extremely happy and thrilled after I finish a book. However a few months later my mind does not retain a lot of those learnings. I believe writing a book review will help me retain more.
- I’m a software engineer and there have been times where I reimplemented my code because
it felt weird I when was documenting it. Documenting code makes me write
code. Similarly if I know that I’m going to write a review after reading a book, I believe it forces me to read the book better. - It will be easier for me to go back in time and see how i felt about a particular book when I read it x years ago. I can see how my thought process evolved over the years.
- While reading a book we skim through the details sometimes; because the content was boring or because we are lazy. Documenting this information can be helpful while evaluating the book and doing a second read.
- It is easier to share your opinion about a book when you already wrote a review; just share the review doc/website URL.
So from now on, I shall review most books I read. I will attempt to be more sincere in this regard for non-fiction books. I plan to write my reviews as Google Docs and if I’am extremely impressed/annoyed with a book, I will consider publishing it in my website.
Review Template
The following questions provide a good starting to review a book.
- Most books try to make a point. What did the book try to say?
- What are the most compelling parts of the book?
- What parts of the book you agree/disagree with?
- Thoughts about writing style. Did any parts deserve more attention? Was anything stretched too much?
- Did you not follow any sections? Why was it hard?
- Did you skip any sections? Why? Do you plan to re-read these sections in the future again?